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Open Call-公开征集|Our World-我们的世界---2023国际当代艺术展(第三届)
信息来源:网络转载    点击次数:9366    更新时间:2023-10-18    截止日期:2023-11-12
  公开征集|OPEN CALL
  In 2020,during the pandemic,the exhibition“Our World”took the first step,like a blank canvas receiving its first brushstroke,a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.
  In 2022,my heart harbored the bold dream of a third chapter in 2023 that would finally open up in a world free from its constraints.Today,this edition is a reality,albeit delayed by a year due to obvious constraints.
  Let us welcome this regained freedom with joy,while keeping a vigilant eye on the present and future challenges facing our humanity.Maintain a watchful eye while fully enjoying the benefits offered by our precious planet.
  The"Our World"exhibition remains unwavering in its quest to emerging talent,offering young artists the opportunity to unveil their vision of the world,as they perceive it or as they aspire to see it take shape.
  Among our selection,faithful to our tradition,confirmed masters will also be present,weaving a palette of emotions like a temporal bridge between generations of artists.If the young have been influenced by the dreams of the elders,the elders are also seduced by the new paths traced by the youth.
  I warmly invite you to discover this precious selection of works by artists from all over the world,in a place of particular symbolism,Shamian Island on the Pearl River.This island holds deep meaning in many respects,linked to both Western and Chinese history,while emanating a unique aesthetic and charm.
  A seven-week exhibition will be held in AIO,a magnificent estate,where you can also discover a magnificent piece of history.
  Welcome to"Our World 2023,"where the emotions and dreams of artists from around the world intertwine to create a symphony of inspiration and aesthetics.
  ---Jean Michel Stanislas Garczynski
  Exhibition Overview
  The third Edition of Our World
  --2023 International Contemporary Art Exhibition
  Expressionist Art Academy
  Guangzhou Jean Michel Culture and Art Co.,Ltd
  AIO/ASFEA/Hongkong Museum World/Jean Michel Art Space
  孙俊艳-Suzanne Sun
  学术主持/Academic host
  Jean Michel Stanislas Garczynski
  AAE艺委会/Art Council of AAE
  Jean Michel Stanislas Garczynski/Martin Horspool/Christian Pilard/Dong Yidian/Wang Songbai/Weizi
  展览时间/Exhibition Time
  December 10,2023-Januray 28,2024
  开幕时间/Opening Time
  15:00 PM,December 9,2023
  展览地点/Exhibition Venue
  Art Institute of the Orient
  No.3 Shamian First Street,Liwan District,Guangzhou
  The Art Institute of the Orient is specialized in artistic education and cultural programs,with a focus on Chinese arts and culture and their interactions with the Western world.
  The Institute is an inclusive institution and nurture tangible and intangible cultural heritage;it promotes plastic and visuals arts with a focus on Chinese arts and culture,in a perspective of international mindedness and exchanges through artistic diffusions,displays and happenings.
  AIO交流访问|Exchange visit in AIO
  Exchange visits in AIO this year by French President Emmanuel Macron,as well as consulates of France,Greece,Venezuela,Panama,Mexico,Ecuador,Peru,Portugal,Israel,Turkey and other countries in Guangzhou.
  Memory of time by Wang Songbai
  This exhibition is open to all applicants at home and abroad,who will be selected by the Art Council of AAE.
  The arworks should conform to the theme of the exhibition.
  There is no limit to the material of the works,oil painting,acrylic,watercolor,ink,caricature,lacquer painting,print,installation,sculpture or photography etc.
  Size of the work:no more than 1m horizontally(no more than 1.2m with frame),no more than 1.5m vertically.(no more than 2m with frame).
  Number of selected works:around 40-50 pieces.
  Deadline:Before Novermber 12,2023.
  Jean Michel Stanislas Garczynski
  Martin Horspool
  Christian Pilard
  董一点Dong Yidian
  王松柏Wang Songbai
  苇子Willow Lu
  "Geopolitics"by Willow LU
  填写报名表发送至邮箱:contact aae-academy.com(邮件与报名表均需以作者名字命名)。
  Fill in the application form and send it to contact aae-academy.com.(the email and the application form should all be named with the applicant's name.)
  Download the application form.
  The applicant will be in formed by phone or mail after approval.
  Sign the participation agreement and pay related exhibition fees.
  Send the artworks and the participation agreement to AAE in China.
  Consultation:13682287817-Suzanne Sun
  Note:AAE Expressionist Academy reserves the right of final interpretation of this exhibition.
  国际艺术交流/International Art Exhcange
  An Exhibition Participating Certificate
  Chance to win awards
  An Exhibition Painting Album
  Interview by media
  展览宣传/Exhibition Promotion
  Sohu,Sina,Toutiao,Yidian,Ifeng,163 News,Artron zggjysw,Artnet,Artintern,Zaiyi and other self-media and live broadcast platforms,etc.
  其他服务/Other services
  Hotel reservation service for artists attending the opening ceremony from other cities.
  Return service of artworks,certificate and painting album.
  Framed services.
  Note:All the costs involved in the above services shall be borne by the participating artists.
  During this exhibition,a charity auction will continue to be held with Fang Fang Education Project,10%of the sales and auction proceeds of all on-site exhibits and art derivatives will be donated to Fang Fang Education Project to improve the education of the Miao Minority children in Guangxi province.
  "Fangfang Education Project"is a special fund jointly established by Couleurs de Chine and Shanghai Overseas Chinese Foundation in early 2021,to partially continue the charity activities of the Association of COULEURS DE CHINE in Guangxi,continue to support poor children in mountainous areas,and improve the educational status of local ethnic minority children.

  Great moments of the Past Sessions


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