作为记录和传达语言的符号载体,文字在人类文明进程中发挥着巨大作用,它是重要的沟通交流媒介。在文明发展的漫长历程中,人们不断探索文字的表现形式。在科技信息高速发展的时代,人们的生活节奏变得越来越快,传统文字阅读已跨越时代语境与媒介的界限,文字的视觉化表达也成为重要课题。 As carriers of recorded and conveyed language symbols,words play a significant role in the progression of human civilization,serving as crucial means of communication and exchange.Throughout the long course of civilization's development,people have continuously explored various forms of textual expression.In an era characterized by rapid advancements in technology and information,the pace of life has accelerated,transcending the boundaries of traditional textual reading across temporal contexts and media.The visual representation of words has consequently become an important topic of consideration. 由南京艺术学院发起主办的“字酷”国际文字艺术设计展,是一个面向字体研究者、设计者与院校师生的国际性设计展,在原创性和探索性中促进文字艺术设计的不断发展与演化。自2016年起“字酷”国际文字艺术设计展已成功举办6届,得到了设计师群体及在校师生的大力支持与积极参与,参赛作品数量越来越多,成为设计界广为关注的文字主题类重要赛事,现面向全球公开征集第7届“字酷”国际文字艺术设计展作品。 The“Cool Words”Words Art Design Exhibition,initiated by Nanjing University of the Arts,stands as an international showcase dedicated to font researchers,designers and academic professionals.It promotes the continuous development and evolution of words art design through originality and exploratory approaches.Since 2016,the“Cool Words”Words Art Design Exhibition has been successfully held for 6 times.It has garnered strong support and active participation from the designer community,as well as from faculty and students.The increasing number of exhibited works has made it a prominent event in the design industry,drawing widespread attention as a significant exhibition in the realm of words-themed art. 2024年也是中国农历的甲辰年,生肖龙年具有深厚的历史文化内涵。龙是中华民族的图腾和精神标识,也是中华文明和中华民族的象征图形,更是维系全世界华人的精神纽带。 请您使用熟悉的语言、文字创作一张以“龙”为主题的字体设计海报,而不是图像,挖掘龙文化的内涵与外延,结合现代设计的语言表达,依托文字艺术展现中国传统龙文化的独特魅力。在龙主题的前提下,只要是包含文字的设计作品都可参加。形式包括海报设计、书籍设计、版面设计、标志符号设计、成套字体设计、数字媒体艺术、文创产品设计、综合艺术等。 A.Dragon culture theme design: In 2024,according to the Chinese lunar calendar,it will be the Year of the Dragon,possessing profound historical and cultural significance.The dragon is a totem and spiritual symbol of the Chinese nation,representing a significant figure in Chinese civilization and the identity of the Chinese people.It is also the spiritual link that uniting Chinese communities around the world. We invite you to create a font design poster with the theme of"dragon"using your familiar language and text,rather than graphic images.Our aim is to explore the connotations and extensions of dragon culture,combining the language expression of modern design to showcase the unique charm of traditional Chinese dragon culture through text art.Under the premise of dragon theme,any design work containing text is welcome,including poster design,book design,layout design,logo symbol design,complete font design,digital media art,cultural and creative product design,comprehensive art,etc. 以文创产业、视觉艺术、大众消费和流行时尚的发展现状为背景,结合当下文化创意与潮流时尚的设计趋势,提炼汉字文创元素并应用于更多载体,探索汉字艺术在文创设计中的审美特点、形式表达及设计方法等。通过创意和设计的力量,赋予汉字新的生命和表达形式,展现汉字独特的美感和艺术魅力。本主题旨在立足汉字的文化内涵及语义构型等,在学科交融中寻求汉字文创的设计创新,让汉字文化得到传承和发展,实现汉字文创的多元形式演绎。 B.Chinese Character Innovation Theme Design: Taking into account the current development status of cultural and creative industries,visual arts,mass consumption,and fashion trends,this theme aims to extract elements of Chinese character innovation from cultural creativity and fashion trends and apply them to various mediums.It explores the aesthetic characteristics,formal expressions,and design methods of Chinese character art in cultural and creative design.Through creativity and design,it aims to infuse new life and forms of expression into Chinese characters,showcasing their unique beauty and artistic charm.This theme aims to seek design innovation in Chinese character innovation based on the cultural connotations and semantic structures of Chinese characters,promoting the inheritance and development of Chinese character culture and achieving diverse interpretations of Chinese character innovation. 在文字的发展过程中,受地域和文化等影响形成了不同的文字体系,如汉字、拉丁字母、希腊字母等。在全球化发展的背景下,不同文字间的交流与互动变得频繁而深入,不同文字间的多元共生现象越加明显,使得不同文字能够相互借鉴、相互影响,形成新的表达方式与文化体验。 本主题旨在通过打破传统文字设计的限制和框架,创造出具有个性化、创新性和丰富性的设计作品。从不同文字的交流共生之间寻找设计创新路径,重点体现文字间的相互影响与创新,展示不同文化之间的交流和理解,推动文化多样性和包容性的表达。 C.Pluralistic Coexistence of Text Theme Design: Throughout the evolution of written language,diverse writing systems have emerged,influenced by geographical and cultural factors,including Chinese characters,the Latin alphabet,the Greek alphabet,and more.Against the backdrop of globalization,the interaction among diverse texts has become increasingly frequent and profound,leading to the prominent phenomenon of pluralistic coexistence. This theme aims to transcend the constraints of traditional text design,fostering the creation of personalized,innovative,and diverse design works.By exploring innovative pathways in the communication and coexistence of diverse texts,it underscores the mutual influence and innovation among texts,spotlighting the exchange and comprehension between disparate cultures,and championing the expression of cultural diversity and inclusivity. 以文字艺术为主题的海报设计、书籍设计、版面设计、标志符号设计、成套字体设计、数字媒体艺术、文创产品设计、综合艺术等,能够体现文字主题的作品均可参加。 D.Pluralistic Coexistence of Text Theme Design: Works reflecting the theme of text art,such as poster design,book design,layout design,logo symbol design,complete font design,digital media art,cultural and creative product design,comprehensive art,etc.,are all eligible to participate. 参赛费用: 免费参展 征集对象: 世界各地区的艺术家、设计师、院校师生、文字研究者和设计机构 征集时间: 2024年5月1日—2024年9月1日(24:00) 设计形式: 海报设计、书籍设计、版面设计、标志符号设计、成套字体设计、数字媒体艺术、文创产品设计、综合艺术等。 作者权益: 入选者将获得组委会颁发的入选证书,作品将参加2024第7届“字酷”国际文字艺术设计展。优秀设计作品将收录于《2024“字酷”国际文字艺术设计展作品集》并在全球业界传播,入选者可享受作品集的优先购买优惠。 Entry Fee: Free Participation Target Participants: Artists,designers,faculty and students from schools,researchers in typography,and design institutions worldwide Submission Period: May 1,2024-September 1,2024(24:00) Submission Formats: Poster design,book design,layout design,logo symbol design,complete font design,digital media art,cultural and creative product design,comprehensive art,etc. Rights of Participants: Selected entrants will receive a certificate of selection issued by the organizing committee,and their works will be showcased at the 7th“Cool Words”Words Art Design Exhibition 2024.Outstanding design works will be included in“TheWorks of the 7th'Cool Words'Words Art Design Exhibition 2024”and disseminated throughout the global industry.Selected participants will also own the purchase discount on“The Works of the 7th'Cool Words'Words Art Design Exhibition 2024”. 初审阶段: 登陆官网(post.coolwords.cn)在线上传作品 终审阶段: 组委会将在初审结束后公布入选名单,入选者须根据要求提交相应的终审文件或实物,详情请关注组委会后期相关推送。 静态作品: JPG格式/A4尺寸/文件大小不超过5mb 实物作品: 图片要求多角度、兼具整体和局部、能清晰体现作品原貌,并标注作品尺寸(长×宽×高mm)/JPG格式/A4尺寸/文件大小不超过5mb 动态作品: 播放时长为5-10秒,画面比例7x10(竖版)/mp4/h.264高比特率/分辨率不低于1080pixel/视频文件不超过30M 命名方式: 姓名_作品名称_设计类别。例如:xxx_龙年大吉_A.“龙”主题海报 实物邮寄: 中国江苏省南京市鼓楼区北京西路74号南京艺术学院 联系电话: 陈老师(18651606106)张老师(13352585349)马老师(15295509110) 注意事项: 1)为保障参赛者权益,报名时请填入有效的E-mail邮箱,组委会将会以此信箱传送重要讯息及通知。 2)不符合参赛规则和技术要求的作品将不会被接受,作品成功提交后将收到系统自动确认。 Initial Review Stage: Upload your works online via the official website(post.cool words.cn). Final Review Stage: After the initial review,the organizing committee will anounce the list of selected entries.Selected participants are required to submit the corresponding final review documents or physical works as requested.Please pay attention to the relevant updates from the organizing committee for further details. Static Works: JPG format/A4 size/File size not exceeding 5 MB. Physical works: Images should be provided from multiple angles,showing both overall and detailed views,clearly reflecting the original appearance of the works,and indicating the dimensions(length x width x height㎜)/JPG format/A4 size/File size not exceeding 5 MB. Dynamic Works: Duration of 5-10 seconds,aspect ratio of 7x10(vertical version)/ mp4 format/h.264 high bit rate/Resolution not less than 1080 pixels/Video file not exceeding 30 MB. Naming Convention: "name+work name+work category" (For example:xxx_Lucky Dragon Year_Poster Design) Mailing Address for Physical Submissions: Nanjing University of the Arts,74 Beijing West Road,Gulou District,Nanjing,Jiangsu Province,China.(中国江苏省南京市鼓楼区北京西路74号南京艺术学院) Contact: Mr.Chen(18651606106),Mr.Zhang(13352585349),Mr.Ma(15295509110) Notes: 1)To protect the rights and interests of participants,please provide a valid email address during registration.Important messages and notifications will be sent to this email address by the organizing committee. 2)Works that do not comply with the competition rules and technical requirements will not be accepted.After successful submission,you will receive an automatic confirmation from the system. 本届大赛入选作品于2024年12月在南京艺术学院美术馆展览,以及国内外巡回展览。 The selected works of this competition will be exhibited at the Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts in December 2024,followed by a series of domestic and international touring exhibitions. 本次参赛作品的知识产权将为大赛组委会所有,组委会享有作品的拍摄、重印、出版和推广权,组委会将汇编、设计、出版,记录和推广本次活动。 The intellectual property rights of the entries in this competition will be owned by the organizing committee.The committee has the rights to photograph,reprint,publish,and promote the works.The organizing committee will compile,design,publish,document,and promote this event. 参赛作品必须为参赛者本人或团队的原创作品,如一旦发现参赛作品为抄袭他人创意、概念的行为,或作品发生版权、知识产权等纠纷,由作者自行承担后果,一概与“字酷”国际文字艺术设计展组委会无关,组委会将取消其参赛资格,组委会拥有所有参赛作品的展览、出版、宣传、收藏、用于电视、网络、平面或广播媒体展示的权利,对本次活动规则产生任何疑议,组委会保留最终解释权,与本次活动有关的任何未尽事宜,均由组委会进一步规定规则并进行解释。 The submitted works must be original creations of the participants or their teams.In the event of plagiarism or disputes related to copyright,intellectual property,or other issues arising from the submitted works,the participants are solely responsible for the consequences.The“Cool Words”Words Art Design Exhibition Organizing Committee disclaims any responsibility and reserves the right to cancel the participant's eligibility.The Organizing Committee retains all rights to exhibit,publish,promote,collect,and display the submitted works on television,internet,print,or broadcast media.In the event of any doubts or disputes regarding the rules of this event,the Organizing Committee reserves the ultimate right of interpretation.Any matters not covered in these rules will be further specified and interpreted by the Organizing Committee. 附:附件仅供设计师了解中国“龙”文字的演变及古代龙纹图形的部分参考与创意启示。 Attachment: The attachment is provided for designers as a partial reference and creative inspiration for understanding the evolution of Chinese character'龙'(dragon)and ancient dragon patterns. 主办单位: 南京艺术学院 承办单位: 南京艺术学院设计学院、国家语言文字推广基地(南京艺术学院)、紫金文创研究院 指导单位: 江苏省教育厅文字语言工作委员会 协办单位: 中国中文信息学会汉字字形信息专业委员会、中国文字博物馆、TDC东京字体指导俱乐部、日本印刷博物馆、金陵刻经处 支持机构: 南京艺术学院字酷国际文字艺术研究中心 南京艺术学院实验艺术中心 南京艺术学院紫金文创研究院 江苏省高校文化创意与综合材料实验室 国家社科基金艺术学重大项目 “中华生活美学思想及其当代设计理论与实践研究”(23ZD12)课题组 总顾问: 俞锋张凌浩 学术支持: 李向民 联合策展: 曹方蒋杰 统筹: 张欧马全福王潇娴陈麒旭 助理: 任琪琪潘安然辛松卓 Organizer: Nanjing University of the Arts Host: Nanjing Arts Institute School of design National Language and Script Promotion Base(Nanjing University of the Arts) Purple Academy of Culture&Creativity Guiding Unit: Language Commission of Jiangsu Education Department Co-organizers: Chinese Character Form Information Professional Committee of Chinese Information Processing Society of China,“Cool Words”International Words Art Research Center at Nanjing University of the Arts,National Museum of Chinese Writing,Tokyo Type Directors Club,Japan Printing Museum,Jinling Scriptural Press Institutional Support: “Cool Words”International Words Art Research Center,Nanjing University of the Arts Experimental Art Center,Nanjing University of the Arts Purple Gold Cultural and Creative Research Institute,Nanjing University of the Arts Laboratory of Cultural Creativity and Comprehensive Materials in Jiangsu Province's Universities Project Team for National Social Science Fund Art Major Project:“Research on Chinese Aesthetic Thought of Living and its Contemporary Design Theory and Practice"(Approval No.23ZD12) Chief Consultants: Yu Feng Zhang Linghao Academic Support: Li Xiangmin Joint Curators: Cao Fang Jiang Jie Overall Coordination: Zhang Ou Ma Quanfu Wang Xiaoxian Chen Qixu Assistants: Ren Qiqi Pan Anran